Trigeminal neuralgia is a condition that results in severe, disabling, lancing, or electric shock-type pain in a portion of the face. The first line of defense for treating this condition is to manage with medication. Patients that do not have success with medication can then be treated with surgical or radiosurgical options.
Dr. Ghosh is trained and certified in both the surgical and radiosurgical management of trigeminal neuralgia. Surgical management involves a microsurgical approach to the brainstem and the trigeminal nerve. Once there, any offending artery that may be compressing and irritating the trigeminal nerve is decompressed. Dr. Ghosh uses both the microsurgical and endoscope-assisted technique for surgical management.
When radiosurgery is needed, Dr. Ghosh uses the Gamma Knife system or robotic radiosurgery using the CyberKnife. Both are effective modalities in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. Open surgery and radiation have benefits and limitations, but Dr. Ghosh is able to present his patients both options as he is facile in these treatment modalities. He can present his patients a balanced view and is able to tailor the treatment to best serve the need of the patients.